Dear Patients and Relatives, At Aydın Adnan Menderes University Hospital, we are committed to providing you with high-quality, reliable healthcare services. Our mission is to deliver advanced medical care through expert hands and state-of-the-art technology, ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout your treatment journey.
Every patient and their family has the right to access our services in a respectful, safe, and secure environment, free from discrimination based on cultural, religious, linguistic, racial, or sectarian differences.
Patients are entitled to clear information about diagnostic and treatment options, as well as guidance on how to utilize these services.
Patients have the right to know the identities, roles, and qualifications of the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals responsible for their care. They may also request to choose or change their healthcare providers.
Patients have the right to select or change their healthcare institution in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Except in legally mandated cases, patients have the right to refuse or discontinue treatment. However, they assume responsibility for any adverse outcomes resulting from this decision.
Patients have the right to receive care in an environment that ensures their privacy.
All personal and medical information is protected and remains confidential, even after death, unless disclosure is required by law or authorized by the patient.
Patients have the right to be treated with respect, compassion, and courtesy at all times, in an environment that upholds their dignity.
Patients have the right to request a second opinion from another physician regarding their diagnosis or treatment. Recommendations from the consulting physician require approval from the primary physician for any changes in treatment.
Patients have the right to freely practice their religious beliefs, provided it does not interfere with their treatment.
Everyone has the right to a safe and secure environment within the hospital.
The hospital takes necessary precautions to ensure the safety of patients, visitors, and companions, with special attention to vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.
Patients have the right to receive visitors and have companions in accordance with hospital policies.
Patients and their families have the right to file complaints, share opinions, and make suggestions regarding their care. The hospital ensures these concerns are reviewed, resolved, and communicated promptly.
Patients have the right to be informed about the hospital’s rules and procedures that apply to them.
Patients have the right to request information about treatment costs in advance and to receive receipts or invoices for services rendered.
Patients are expected to follow the treatment plan recommended by their doctor and adhere to the instructions provided by healthcare personnel.
Patients who refuse recommended treatment assume responsibility for any resulting consequences.
Patients are required to comply with the hospital’s rules and regulations.
Patients must respect the rights and comfort of other patients, visitors, and staff by avoiding disruptive behavior.
Patients and their visitors are responsible for following infection control measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Patients are responsible for paying for their treatment and any damages caused to hospital property.
Patients are expected to limit the number of visitors, ensure visitors comply with hospital policies, and respect visiting hours.
Patients are expected to limit the number of visitors, ensure visitors comply with hospital policies, and respect visiting hours.